The Winter Awen Ring 0 Reviews
The sign of "the Three Rays" is used by members of the United Ancient Order of Druids, the Ancient Order of Druids, the Order of Bards Ovates & Druids, and many other followers of Druidry. It can be seen as symbolizing Sky Father Energy in balance with the Earth Mother energy of the Druid Sigil, as well as any of a thousand other sets of three ideas. - Bonewits
This is a winter version of the Awen: a wreath of leaves and three staves descending from the top, the leaves are of Holly, the "dots" are pine cones. Framed in a ring of holly, a cluster of berries crown the top of the piece. Holly covers the stave, reappearing below: the light is obscured in the Winter only to re-emerge "un-looked for"; The triumph of the Light.
Product Code: R35